Today I took a yoga class which Jana teaches at the GFRA.
To put it simply I looked like a clumsy giraffe, long limbs going every which
way but never resembling the yoga flow movements I was supposed to be mimicking.
Not a good look but I persevered for the 90 minutes and it hurt like hell! I’ve
taken Hatha and Bikram yoga classes before and thought I was quite flexible and
could do easily do beginners classes. Well this class put me back in my place!
I couldn’t believe some of the moves Jana was doing, legs hooked up over the
shoulders so you can’t see your knees, just your calves and feet. (I didn’t master
that one by the way!) She, and the majority of the other ladies there, were so
flexible and made all the moves look so easy and graceful. I was slipping and
sliding all over the place, I’d just get into position and my feet or hands, or
knees for that matter, would start drifting away. I tried so many times to
shuffle back into place as silently as I could. One of the other ladies told me
after class that the yoga matts over here tend to be slippery until you wash
them. Had no idea you were supposed to wash you yoga matt! Hope that doesn’t
make me some gross and grubby yoga goer, but I honestly never knew : /
I’m going to go again next week and I’m hoping that in a
few weeks I won’t look like a fish out of water.
A few of us had coffee and cake after class and I found
out there’s a hot yoga in Okpo that’s on every day and it’s a mix of yoga, Tai
chi and Pilates. I think I might start giving that a go too.
We met up with Ian when Adrian finished work so the boys
could look at push bikes. I tagged along to make sure they got all the safety
gear to go with it. After about 20 minutes of walking up and down so many
different streets we finally found the bike shop. Adrian got one, it’s white
and has shimano gears (apparently that’s a must have?!). He got a light and helmet
too. The helmet even colour coordinates with the bike, my doing J
We had dinner at a little Italian restaurant in the
shopping centre, it’s the second time we’ve been there and it’s SO good! Last
night we ate at VIPS, another restaurant in the shopping centre that had been
recommended by lots of different people. It didn’t disappoint. It was similar
to a sizzler from back home in that it was buffet but everything was so tasty.
We loved it and will definitely be going back again!
Off to bed. Write soon xx
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